Thursday, September 2, 2010


You know how your grandpa used to recall how when he was young he had to walk up hill, in the snow, with no shoes on?  Well I prefer that challenge, to the experience of looking for a job.  It is brutal, or maybe I am too sensitive.  I had a good interview this week, but I did not get the job.  They picked someone else.  They said to me, thanks but keep in touch.  Keep in touch?  Really!  Be real and end it.  Its like when the guy you are seeing breaks up with you and then says, but lets be friends.  Ouch!  I will move on.  I will see others (for interviews).  I will try to stay positive.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

In the beginning

Greetings and salutations to all you dudes and foxes.  My goal this summer was to start a blog, get a job, find someone to love, and eat more chocolate.  I wanted to start a blog because I love to write.  I want to get a job because I desire a new career.  The first step is to identify what that career is.  Love is like the side dish, not the main course, but I mention it anyway because I can.  I say eat more chocolate because the taste tickles my fancy or fancies my tickle (whichever you prefer).