Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Memorial day is here.  I have never met a soldier that I liked, but I do recognize their contribution to this country and respect, admire their sacrifice. For all intensive porpoises, this federal holiday weekend was inundated with fired up grills and backyard slip-n-slides.  I’ve been celebrating, in my own small way, by being classy smashed.  You know where you giggle like you’re tipsy, but you can still quote Shakespeare or recite an epic poem at the drop of a hat.  I attended KellerFest on Saturday night.  The cool evening featured propitious carnival weather. I couldn’t have imagined being anywhere else: smiling faces, bright lights, and powdered sugar (leftover remains from consumed funnel cake) was everywhere. My favorite part of KellerFest was the petting zoo.  The petting zoo included lemurs, piglets, young goats, alpacas (all of whom were adorable) frolicking in the happy straw while Keller natives reached out their hands.  I was tempted to pull out my iphone and snap a picture, but instead ipaused, and enjoyed the moment without documenting it. Friday, I finished working at a local middle school.  It was bittersweet. I was happy about the newfound free time, but sad about leaving the kiddos.  My experience teaching there taught me a lot.  Teaching takes everything you have.  Before teaching, at work sometime a guy might tell me I look tired and it would ruin my day.  Once I was teaching if a guy said that, it did not phase me because I was simply too tired to care.  I hope I land a full-time teaching position before the end of summer.  Good things are on the horizon: my little sister will migrate back to Texas, my nephew grows cuter every day, and Pooh bear is soon to turn 8 human years (or 48 in dog years).  Party on Wayne!  In a while crocodile...

1 comment:

  1. it's good to hear that you are teaching again. keep smiling. it works for you somehow. :)
