Monday, February 21, 2011

Speaking Toothfully

According to the comedian Sarah Silverman, “Death arrives in the gums."  As of late, I have been open to the “dental experience."  I feel like a foreigner when sitting in that chair or, at least, the village idiot.  I don’t understand tooth speak.  I hear words like lingual, canine, localized and my mind draws a blank.  Why do they call the teeth at the back of your mouth wisdom teeth?  Do they exhibit any wisdom whatsoever--NO!  Most people get their wisdom teeth removed anyway so why not call them.. absent.  Or name them something that closely describes what they are.. a-pain-in-the-ass.  My dental ninja found one area of suspicion in my mouth.  I was told to keep a close eye on it.  It is a pit in a tooth at the back of my mouth.  I was surprised to know that (just like in real life) drama happens inside the oral cavity.  There is at this moment the potential for a crime to occur in that pit while I am unaware.  I want to be good and brush gently, but when I grab my toothbrush I transform into this superhero.  I become the avenger in the war against gum disease and all that excitement rises to the surface.  I end up brushing hard and with ferocity.  I confessed this misbehavior to my dental ninja. It will be difficult to change, but I have faith.  I can do it.  

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